How to Manage Remote Workers and Overcome the Fear of Losing Control

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The modern culture that exalts control and achievement sometimes creates pressure for people to expect perfection and complete control over situations. 

Complete control is an illusion, recognizing that not everything can be controlled defines the limits of our capabilities, enables us to come to terms with uncertainty and find effective solutions to current challenges.

All of us have a desire to work in a convenient regime and it is a normal desire, that is shared by all of us. Entrepreneurs, for example, get into their business precisely because of their unwillingness to submit to other people’s regimes.

A flexible work schedule has a positive effect on the mood of employees and even reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. People get more job satisfaction, which reduces employee turnover.

But, employers who agree to practice flexible working hours in a company are still a minority.

How to Overcome Challenges in Remote Work

  1. Lack of Corporate Culture. If you are unable to build a healthy corporate culture offline, you will have problems online as well. A disconnected team and productive work are not compatible. In fact, building a company culture with a flexible schedule may even work out better than in the office. The opportunity to miss the faces of your coworkers is even more bonding. Solution: Events, traditions, non-material motivation systems and communication norms are all necessary elements for a healthy corporate culture.
  2. It’s Difficult to Solve Common Tasks. How to interact with other departments when remote employees may be out of touch? Solution: Establish mandatory attendance at check calls, meetings and planning sessions. Enter the booking system for office workplaces. Implement regular (once a month) one-to-one meetings or confidential online surveys to support the psychological comfort of the team.
  3. Corporate Data Security. Excessive surveillance and control by employers can increase fear and create a sense of helplessness in employees, so it’s important not to overreact. The technical equipment of the staff also plays an important role here. Solution: Implement security features, such as blocking the forwarding of corporate information, to protect data. Time tracking, tracking of tasks and KPIs, analytics for each employee: Toggl, Clockify, Miro, Trello, Click Up, etc. 

Remote Work Organization Strategies

Leaders can create a supportive work environment for remote employees by providing essential resources, fostering a sense of connection, and offering diverse benefits to enhance the remote work experience:

  1. Encouraging collaboration and engagement among remote employees involves hosting virtual meetings, brainstorming sessions, and assigning team projects to foster cohesion and productivity. 
  2. Organizing virtual games like pictionary and talent shows can help build relationships and create a sense of community among remote teams. 
  3. Facilitating virtual coworking sessions allows employees to work together in real-time, boosting motivation and focus. 
  4. Providing flexibility in working hours and location, along with trust in employees to manage their tasks, promotes work-life balance and satisfaction. 
  5. Setting clear expectations, feedback, and autonomy over work environments can prevent isolation and enhance inclusivity, ultimately leading to increased productivity and job satisfaction in a remote work setting. 
Learn to observe yourself and the processes, be sensitive to your team and you will succeed. But if you fail, which is normal, ask for support from experts.
How to Manage Remote Workers and Overcome the Fear of Losing Control
Olga Odemchouk Medvedeva
Your Business Psychologist

2 thoughts on

How to Manage Remote Workers and Overcome the Fear of Losing Control

  • Aleksei Dolgikh

    Remote work is the future we were thrust into, and it’s time to embrace it fearlessly! 🌍💪 Losing control? More like gaining flexibility, creativity, and a happier workforce. Dive in, trust your team, and watch productivity soar to new heights! Excellent insights, Olga Odemchouk Medvedeva! #RemoteWork #TrustYourTeam #FutureOfWork

  • Vasilii Zakharov

    Instead of clinging to traditional control mechanisms, the article advocates the use of trust and the adoption of a results-based approach. This means focusing on clearly defined goals, ensuring autonomy, and promoting open communication.By shifting the focus from micromanagement to employee empowerment, managers can unlock productivity and foster a thriving remote workforce.

    The article offers practical tips for achieving this shift, such as using technology to collaborate and communicate, setting clear expectations, and providing regular feedback. These strategies help build trust and transparency by creating a positive and productive work environment.

    Ultimately, managing remotely requires a paradigm shift: from fear of losing control to a culture of trust and empowerment. By embracing this shift, managers can foster a more engaged, motivated, and ultimately successful remote workforce.

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