New opportunities for startups and entrepreneurs to create a business in the UAE. A warm introduction of your company to your target audience, which will reduce the cost of setting up your business

Innovation center IN5
3 mn read

The UAE is in the midst of a business boom, with entrepreneurs and corporate entities looking to expand into the lucrative market. In order to remain compliant and compete, however, they need expert advice on navigating the local regulations and laws. That’s why Dima Pavlyuk has become an invaluable asset for those doing business in the UAE.

Helping clients get the most out of their business dealings with the UAE government and its associated entities

Pavlyuk has become a respected figure in the business community for his ability to provide invaluable insight into government agencies and officials – a task uniquely suited to him, given his extensive knowledge of the region’s legal and regulatory frameworks. He has become particularly adept at helping clients get the most out of their business dealings with the UAE government and its associated entities.

New opportunities for startups and entrepreneurs to create a business in the UAE. A warm introduction of your company to your target audience, which will reduce the cost of setting up your business

From developing complex strategies to finding helpful workarounds, Pavlyuk has the skills necessary to ensure that his clients get the best possible results in their interactions with the authorities. He has refined his business acumen through years of experience dealing with various aspects of governance in the country, meaning that he is well-equipped to advise companies on navigating the often-opaque regulatory framework that guides operations in the Emirates.

For any business looking for help in understanding local regulations and getting the most out of their dealings with government officials and agencies, Dima Pavlyuk is an excellent option. Not only does he demonstrate a deep understanding of how the laws and regulations work in the Emirates, but he also offers invaluable guidance on achieving desired outcomes from commercial engagements with public entities.


New opportunities for startups and entrepreneurs to create a business in the UAE. A warm introduction of your company to your target audience, which will reduce the cost of setting up your business

DIC presently has over one and half million square feet of prime commercial office space, in which over 1,400 companies with over 10,000 workers are based.[citation needed] There are 25 low, mid, and high-rise office structures in the area.

The economic rules of DIC allow companies to avail themselves of a number of ownership, taxation and customs related benefits which are guaranteed by law for a period of 50 years. One model of operation includes 100% foreign ownership, similar to those prevailing in other designated economic zones in the United Arab Emirates. These freedoms have led many global information technology firms, such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Google, Dell, Intel, Huawei, Samsung, SAP, Microsoft, IBM, Oracle Corporation, Tata Consultancy, 3M, Sun Microsystems, Cisco, HP, Nokia, Cognizant, Accenture, and MicroStrategy as well as UAE-based companies such as Ducont,[citation needed] to move their regional base to the DIC. DIC is located adjacent to other industrial clusters such as Dubai Media City and Dubai Knowledge Park (formerly Dubai Knowledge Village).


Dima Pavlyuk‘s services

-Advisory – warm intro of your company to the target audience, assistance in attraction of investments, presentations in Accelerators and investment funds, participation in profile events.

-Investments – participation in medium- and long-term projects on the terms of 25% per annum with a contribution of $100k and more. Comoditas, resources, public-private partnerships with Funds.

-International financial services in any currency and any country.

-Business-missions to UAE, visiting and acquaintance with the largest funds and Accelerators.

-Business set-up -opening a company for you in a suitable Freezone with English law

-Building a reputation on the Internet, in the media, in social networks.


One of the startups Dmitry has helped is Glocal.He did this in conjunction with business accelerator  IN5, and this help allowed them to enter the translation localization market. With his backing, Glocal was able to develop and deploy its artificial intelligence technology that translates pages of websites into over 90 languages and supports text-to-speech features in various languages.

New opportunities for startups and entrepreneurs to create a business in the UAE. A warm introduction of your company to your target audience, which will reduce the cost of setting up your business – an all-in-one platform designed to help businesses grow and succeed. Founded by Olga Nayda and Alexey Dolgikh (Co-founder & CVO), is a powerful tool that allows users to build their own websites and get connected with potential partners and clients across different industries worldwide. The platform also provides access to analytics and marketing tools, as well as guidance for business owners on how to best use their data for online success.

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