2 mn read

Investors Bet Big on Holo: Pre-Series A Funding Round Oversubscribed for UAE Proptech Startup

Posted in Editorial

2 mn read In a region where traditional mortgage processes have long been the norm, one startup is revolutionizing the way people buy homes. Holo, the UAE-based proptech company, has just raised an oversubscribed pre-Series A funding round, signaling a major shift in the Middle East’s real estate landscape. Holo’s successful pre-Series A fundraising round demonstrates the company’s […]

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3 mn read

Investing in luxury property in Montenegro can be an attractive option for several reasons:

Posted in PropTech

3 mn read Benefits of Montenegro for the Luxury property investments 1 Booming Tourism: Montenegro has experienced a significant increase in tourism in recent years, attracting visitors from around the world. Luxury properties in popular tourist destinations can offer opportunities for high rental yields during peak seasons. 2 Growing Real Estate Market: Montenegro’s real estate market has been […]

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< 1 mn read

Den Kerzheman: Best Entrepreneur in April 2023 by Crunch/Dubai Online Journal

Posted in Yearly Award: 100

< 1 mn read Den Kerzheman Den Kerzheman, the founder of Regolith.com. his first investments in the financial market began in 2014 when he decided to invest in the construction business. After becoming accustomed to this kind of industry, Denis started hunting for instruments in 2015, investing in BCS and Alfa Capital. For the past five years, he has had […]

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4 mn read

How to invest money in 2023. Lifehack from founder Regolith.com

Posted in Partners

4 mn read Denis Kerzheman Denis Kerzheman, the founder of Regolith.com, took some time to speak with us about his projects in a relaxed and informal way. He told that his first investments in the financial market began in 2014 when he decided to invest in the construction business. After becoming accustomed to this kind of industry, Denis […]

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< 1 mn read

#СтартапДня Holidu – поиск загородных вилл для аренды

Posted in News

< 1 mn read Booking, Expedia, Agoda да Airbnb занимают львиную долю рынка бронирования гостиниц и квартир, но они – далеко не единственные сервисы на рынке. Кроме гигантов в мире есть сотни малышей, живущих за счет экзотической ниши, локального маркетинга или просто привычки лояльных клиентов. А если малышей много, то для них можно построить метапоиск. Немецкий #стартапдня Holidu ищет […]

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