Investors Bet Big on Holo: Pre-Series A Funding Round Oversubscribed for UAE Proptech Startup

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In a region where traditional mortgage processes have long been the norm, one startup is revolutionizing the way people buy homes. Holo, the UAE-based proptech company, has just raised an oversubscribed pre-Series A funding round, signaling a major shift in the Middle East’s real estate landscape. Holo’s successful pre-Series A fundraising round demonstrates the company’s strong potential to disrupt the mortgage industry with its digital platform.

Investors Flock to Support Holo’s Vision

The funding round was led by an impressive lineup of investors, including Aditum Investment Management Limited, Oryx Fund, and DFDF. Oryx Fund, in particular, demonstrated its strong belief in Holo’s potential by making its third investment in the company.

Investors Bet Big on Holo: Pre-Series A Funding Round Oversubscribed for UAE Proptech Startup
Holo mainpage

Ali Qaiser, Partner at Hambro Perks Oryx Fund, expressed his enthusiasm for Holo’s future: “As the Middle East’s pioneering digital mortgage platform, Holo is well-placed to capitalize on the rapid adoption of technology in real estate. We look forward to partnering with Holo to help them realize their growth potential, expand into new markets, and enhance their user experience.”

Empowering Home Buyers with Innovative Technology

Founded in 2020 by Michael Hunter and Arran Summerhill, Holo’s mission is to make home ownership more accessible by introducing digital mortgage services to the region. By leveraging automation and AI, Holo is transforming the home-buying process, making it more efficient and user-friendly.

Michael Hunter, CEO & co-founder of Holo, emphasized the company’s unwavering commitment to its core values: “Our primary objective from the beginning has been to enable the ecosystem and build a robust platform for home buyers – a core value we have consistently upheld. With this injection of new funds, we have the opportunity to scale aggressively while staying true to our core values.”

Expansion Plans and Product Development

With this new capital, Holo plans to fortify its position in the UAE market, expand its workforce, and penetrate other areas of the Gulf Cooperation Council, with an immediate focus on Saudi Arabia. The company is also doubling down on its multiple platforms, including direct-to-customer, agent apps, and internal systems, to enhance the user experience and facilitate regional deployment.

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Arran Summerhill, COO and co-founder of Holo, shared the company’s strategic direction: “As a tech-first company, we are doubling down on our multiple platforms – direct-to-customer, agent apps, and internal systems. These products are designed for regional deployment. Our expansion plan targets the MENA region, where our solutions can significantly impact the growing property markets.”

As Holo continues to disrupt the Middle East’s mortgage market, it is clear that this pre-Series A funding round is just the beginning of a transformative journey. With its innovative technology, strong investor backing, and ambitious expansion plans, Holo is poised to reshape the way people buy homes across the region, making the dream of homeownership a reality for more individuals and families than ever before.

One thought on

Investors Bet Big on Holo: Pre-Series A Funding Round Oversubscribed for UAE Proptech Startup

  • Vasilii Zakharov

    I see Holo’s success at the pre-Series A stage as an important indicator of changes in the Middle East real estate market. Attracting investments in excess of the planned volume indicates high confidence in their digital platform and potential for transforming traditional mortgage processes. Holo demonstrates that innovations in proptech can significantly improve the user experience and efficiency of real estate transactions. This event can be a catalyst for further technology development in this sector.

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