A UAE-based medical startup will be of interest to digital investors. SkinCheckUp is an app that can detect skin cancer using an innovative platform based on artificial intelligence.SkinCheckUp – the most effective approach to motivate patients to see a doctor.

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SkinCheckUp is a web-based service from the UAE that can detect signs of skin cancer using artificial intelligence. The app allows users to take pictures of moles and other suspicious growths, and if it detects any signs of disease, it advises the user to visit a doctor for further diagnosis.


SkinCheckUp has been developed with dermatologist-level accuracy, and it requires minimal time for users to take pictures and upload them for analysis. This makes it an ideal tool for general practitioners who are looking to quickly recognize malignant skin neoplasms in their patients.

In addition to helping doctors diagnose skin cancer, SkinCheckUp also provides information about the risks associated with this condition as well as ways to prevent it. The app features educational resources on topics such as sun protection, early detection methods, lifestyle changes that can reduce risk factors, and more.This startup was hosted by IN5 Innovation Center.


Located in Dubai Internet City, In5 is a one-stop shop for entrepreneurs looking to turn their ideas into reality. It provides exclusive access to mentors, incubators, co-working spaces, and other resources to help entrepreneurs develop their business ideas. It also offers investors a chance to work with high potential start-ups from across the region.

Innovation center IN5

Perhaps one of the best features of In5 is its collaboration with global giants such as Microsoft, Oracle, and Amazon Web Services. This enables entrepreneurs to access resources that would otherwise be unavailable or too expensive. Startups at In5 also benefit from mentorship programs provided by leading industry experts who offer invaluable advice and guidance on how best to grow their businesses.


By providing an easy-to-use platform that is backed by advanced technology, SkinCheckUp is helping people around the world become more aware of the dangers posed by skin cancer and how they can protect themselves from its effects. This could potentially lead to earlier diagnosis which could help save lives in the long run.


Overall, SkinCheckUp is a great example of how technology can be used in innovative ways to address important health issues such as skin cancer detection. With its cutting edge AI capabilities coupled with educational resources about prevention methods, this innovative platform has potential life saving implications for many individuals around the world who may not have access or knowledge about traditional diagnosis techniques available through medical professionals alone.

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