Meet our Expert: Olga Odemchouk Medvedeva Building Mental Wealth, Strategies for Business Leaders

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About Expert:

Communications Expert in: IT Startup | Luxury for 1% | Oil-Gas | Food production | Training Weapons | ESG
Coaching Support for IT | HR | Sales | Creative Experts | Startups

Being a seasoned communications expert with a diverse portfolio across multiple industries, I bring a unique blend of strategic insight and creativity to drive my clients' success. Furthermore I offer signature coaching support to IT, HR, Sales, Creative Experts, and Startups, empowering them to effectively communicate their vision, build strong relationships, and drive growth.
Meet our Expert: Olga Odemchouk Medvedeva Building Mental Wealth, Strategies for Business Leaders
Olga Odemchouk Medvedeva
Your Business Psychologist

Creating Innovative Solutions with Human-centered Ethics

People don’t recognize the value of ethics until it directly affects them. 

What if we are already paying the price for the lack of human-centeredness? And the price is stress, burnout, health problems and failed businesses?

Why is the World's Lost Potential a Concern?

Did you know that stress, burnout and mental disorders cost the global economy a tidy sum? 

WHO (World Health Organization) estimates that the world economy each year loses $1 trillion due to the decline in productivity associated with depression and anxiety.

Every year this world loses $1 trillion in potential. Imagine how much faster we could solve social and environmental problems if at least a part of that amount remained active in business?

How Can a Human-Centered Approach Impact Business?

My mission is to show businesses on a practical level the value of a human-centered approach and the key arguments for this are as follows:

  1. Employee engagement and increased human capital;
  2. Sustainable economic efficiency of the team;
  3. Retention of the company’s innovation potential.

The Art of Navigating Your Existential Emergency in Business

I have gathered my collection of experiences in the direction of Internal and External Communications from very different fields: IT, Luxury for 1%, Oil-Gas Investment Projects, Food Production, Training Weapons and Legal Research in ESG.

Know how to make impossible tasks possible, find and supervise talents in short timeframes and at the end get a result that is x11000 more attractive than the budget. I’m also well aware of what resources such tasks are realized by.

Human Factor Risk: A Threat to Organizational Stability

Nowadays, when the risk of human factor becomes a business risk, a wrong balance of this aspect can cause serious damage to the company. It is no longer enough to have a quality product/service, a strong and united team is more important than ever before.

Human resources can be as uncontrollable as the elements and as resourceful in terms of creativity. In a business context, there is always the question of how to control this and direct it towards results. Competition is becoming more and more sophisticated, which means that taking and keeping a leading position is becoming more and more difficult.

How Can Challenges Be Transformed into Opportunities for Solutions?

Based on very different work situations, I set out to find a solution that would help teams manage stress and incorporate the necessary efficiency to address vital business metrics.

By gradually aggregating results and timelines from clients, I was able to gather the most effective tools that have proven to be most effective for startup teams with high levels of innovation potential and equally high levels of anxiety.

Statistically, more than 90% of startups fail, due primarily to self-destruction rather than competition. In the startup environment, the results show up in a very short time and it is immediately clear how much this success is worth to the team.

Just imagine that paying attention to the mental wellbeing of your team can increase its effectiveness up to 80%.

The Ecological Leadership Method: Revolutionizing Sustainable Practices

I named my approach the “Ecological Leadership Method” – it’s a signature team coaching approach to recycle a team’s emotional waste into productivity.

I add ethics where its absence creates conflict.

A The Transformative Impact of Investing in Humanity

Human-centricity is important to develop not only because business efficiency depends on it, soon it will be replaced by machines and in the moment of such revolutionary changes we can realize the dreams of a more intuitive and comfortable work experience. Plus, the faster technology evolves, the more humanity will become more expensive. It’s already very, very expensive to humanize a machine.

I also consider it my social duty (not only professional) to inform the business community about the importance of paying attention to mental and physical well-being and encourage the promotion of social projects aimed at maintaining decent living and working conditions, sustainable innovation and socially safe technological development.

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