5 mn read

How Subscrible Aims to Revolutionize Mobile Games Monetization

Posted in News

5 mn read Subscrible, a Cyprus-based mobile gaming startup, is revolutionizing the industry by tackling freemium monetization issues. CEO Evgeny Unegovsky envisions a world where players enjoy ad-free experiences and developers earn more through a fairer, ad-optimized ecosystem. By addressing players’ frustrations with intrusive ads and developers’ challenges with high commissions and low returns, Subscrible aims to create a mobile gaming utopia. Their innovative approach includes demand aggregation, optimizing ad frequency, and integrating blockchain and machine learning technologies. With potential to tap into a $190+ billion market, Subscrible’s novel strategies could redefine mobile gaming monetization, offering a more rewarding experience for players, developers, and advertisers alike.

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3 mn read

Unlocking the Power of Mobile: A Glimpse into the Booming MENA Market

Posted in Venture Capital

3 mn read In today’s fast-paced world, where digital innovation propels us forward, the Middle East & Northern Africa (MENA) region stands at the crossroads of an incredible mobile revolution. With the average individual spending an impressive 4.5 hours per day glued to their mobile screens, the landscape is shifting, and businesses are poised to embark on an […]

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