Revolutionizing the Freezing Process: Revoltech’s Innovative Technology Offers Faster and Longer-Lasting Food Preservation.Resident at HUB71, an innovation center from the UAE.

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Revoltech has developed and patented a unique technology Hyper Freeze, which allows you to keep all the useful properties of the product and taste unchanged after defrosting for 18 months.

Renowned chefs in blind tasting could not find the difference between freshly cooked food and frozen in Hyper Freeze technology.

This phenomenal result is achieved by reducing the size of crystals, which is the main quality problem of frozen products, which tear the structure and the product loses its useful properties and taste after defrosting.

This problem is still successfully solved by liquid nitrogen, which is actively used in medicine to freeze eggs for IVF, but the cost of such technology is 30 times higher, and therefore it is not profitable for the food industry.


It is a process of freezing eggs to minus 40°C in less than 2 hours using electrostatics.

The field acts on the water molecules, causing them to move, thereby greatly reducing the size of ice crystals so that cells remain alive, avoiding water stratification to preserve all nutrients, making foods look like freshly cooked after defrosting.
This technology not only freezes food in half the time it normally does, but also preserves it for up to 50 years.

The breakthrough technology of hyper-freezing can become the mainstream for transforming the food industry by eliminating the huge chain of intermediaries between the farmer and the consumer. This way the consumer gets a natural product with no preservatives for less money and the farmer gets a better price.

Revoltech was the winner of the Global FoodTech Challenge with a $2 million prize in Abu Dhabi in January 2023 and is also a HUB71 resident. Company founders: Roman Bagiev Founder & Chief Executive Officer, Oleg Igoshev Co-founder & Chief Science Officer and Rabih Zeineddine Cofounder & Chief Operating Officer.


innovation center hub71

HUB71 is a global technology ecosystem designed to help startups in the UAE succeed. Based in Abu Dhabi, the initiative provides a range of services to help entrepreneurs launch and expand their businesses, including access to global markets, capital ecosystems, a global network of partners, and an active community of highly skilled professionals.

An innovation center is a physical space, typically located within a business or organization, that is dedicated to fostering creativity and innovation. It is designed to provide an environment that encourages collaboration, experimentation, and the development of new ideas. Innovation centers often feature open workspaces, meeting rooms, and other amenities that are conducive to creative thinking. They may also host events such as hackathons and workshops to further promote innovations.

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