Google Game-Changer: Accelerating Sustainable Innovations in MENA through Cleantech Startups

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Google Launches Cleantech Accelerator for MENA

Google has unveiled an ambitious initiative called Google for Startups Accelerator: Climate Change, which aims to support startups in the Middle East and Africa(MENA) focused on sustainable technology, cleantech, and green energy. The program offers selected startups a range of benefits, including mentorship, educational workshops, access to Google Cloud technical expertise, and Google Cloud credits.

This groundbreaking accelerator program is a golden opportunity for aspiring entrepreneurs in the region to make a significant impact on climate change. By joining forces with Google, startups will receive invaluable guidance from industry leaders, gain knowledge through educational workshops, and tap into Google Cloud’s technical resources. Moreover, the provision of generous Google Cloud credits will provide the selected startups with the necessary boost to realize their visionary ideas. This initiative promises to foster innovation and empower startups to create sustainable climate solutions that will shape a brighter, greener future for generations to come.

Empowering Startups to Tackle Global Warming with Tech Innovation

? Join the Movement: Google’s Accelerator Ignites Startups Combating Climate Change!

Calling all Seed to Series A startups ready to tackle the world’s most pressing challenge—climate change! Today, Google proudly announces the launch of the groundbreaking Google for Startups Accelerator: Climate Change program. With a bold vision to transform our planet, this 10-week, equity-free hybrid program, in collaboration with Google Cloud, empowers high-potential startups based in the Middle East and Africa.

Immerse yourself in the best of Google as you embark on an exhilarating journey that combines in-person and virtual experiences, tailored mentorship, and immersive group learning sessions. Together, let’s harness the power of technology to combat climate change and create a sustainable future.

Unlock unparalleled opportunities for growth as you dive deep into product design, business expansion, and leadership development through exclusive deep dives and workshops. Gain access to Google Cloud’s technical expertise and unlock valuable credits via the Google for Startups Cloud Program—empowering you to scale your climate-focused solutions like never before.

Are you eligible for this transformative opportunity? Show us your traction, ideally between the Seed and Series A stages. Demonstrate your passion for building scalable products or services with a massive addressable market and a defensible growth model. Embrace sustainable technology solutions, cleantech, and green energy as your guiding principles. Leverage the power of cutting-edge technologies such as Machine Learning and AI to revolutionize the fight against climate change.


Be at the forefront of change! We expect a wholehearted commitment from your CTO and/or technical roles to actively participate and engage in the program’s required sessions. Together, let’s seize this critical moment when technology can unlock and accelerate the decarbonization of our economy.

Join Joyce Baz, Head of Communications at Google, in her excitement: “As organizations worldwide embark on sustainability-driven transformations, we believe the global startup ecosystem holds the key to their progress. That’s why we’re thrilled to launch the Google for Startups Accelerator: Climate Change programs in 2023, inviting startups from the Middle East and Africa to apply. Let’s identify, support, and scale startups that are building game-changing technologies to combat climate change. This is our first program in the MENA region, and we eagerly await the participation of visionaries like you!”

Prepare for an immersive learning experience that combines one-on-one mentoring with insightful group sessions. Google’s experienced engineers and business experts, alongside partners from the wider ecosystem, will provide personalized support tailored to your unique business needs. Our specialized Startup Success Managers (SSMs) will guide you through the program, equipping you with best practices, tools, and personnel to drive your startup’s success.

Finally, the grand finale—a Demo Day that will leave a lasting impression. Showcase your achievements in front of Google teams, influential mentors, esteemed investors, and key stakeholders from the Middle East and African startup ecosystems. Let your passion and dedication shine as you make an indelible mark on the fight against climate change.

But the journey doesn’t end there! Even after the program concludes, you’ll continue to receive unwavering support through the Google for Startups Accelerator Alumni program and network. Embrace this opportunity to form lifelong connections, foster collaborations, and propel your startup to even greater heights.

The time is now. Apply today and embark on a transformative journey that will shape the future of our planet. Together, let’s build a world where innovation meets sustainability, and our collective actions reshape the course of history.

Google for Startups Accelerator: Climate Change—Igniting Startups for a Sustainable Future! ?

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