UAE-based Flyksoft has secured $55,000 in seed funding to revolutionize spa management. An innovative startup in the MENA market.

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Flyksoft was founded in 2023 by Mohammad Ibrahim, an expert in the beauty and wellness industry. His goal was to create a comprehensive platform that could provide salon and spa owners with the tools they need to better manage their business.

Flyksoft’s software has been well received by the market, and many salon and spa owners use the platform for their operations. The software is also used by leading beauty and wellness brands in the UAE.

UAE-based Flyksoft has raised $55,000 in seed funding from angel investors. The company plans to use the funds to promote its services through digital marketing campaigns and increase its media presence. This will allow the company to reach a wider audience and increase its market share.

All in all, Flyksoft’s seed funding is a great opportunity for the company to expand its operations and increase its presence in the market. With a comprehensive platform offering all the necessary features, Flyksoft is well positioned to become the leading salon and spa management solution provider in the UAE.

Ibrahim, the founder of Flyksoft, has been working in the same industry in the UAE and the MENA region for the past 15 years. He has worked with many technology partners and consulted with current market leaders in the same segment, gaining valuable experience and knowledge that helped build the company.The company is ranked 42,187 by crunchbase.

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