Events in Tech: The Dabl.Club Builder Brunch Experience in Dubai!

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As the vibrant pulse of Dubai’s tech scene continues to intensify, the upcoming Dabl.Club Builder Brunch on April 18th at DeTaSECURE UAE, in5 Dubai Tech, promises to be a cornerstone event for tech enthusiasts and developers. Powered by Polygon, this unique gathering is set to foster innovation through collaboration, learning, and fun.

Find us here

? Location: DeTaSECURE UAE, in5 Dubai Tech, Dubai
? Date: April 18th
Time: 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM

Book your place

From 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM, participants will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in a dynamic environment where the agenda is simple yet impactful: learn from leading minds, network with pioneers, and enjoy the camaraderie of like-minded individuals. The event will feature insights from prominent figures such as Tamaghna Basu, the founder of DeTaSECURE; Ashwin, a core contributor at Hadron Founders Club; Tyler Sehr, founder of Cookbook; and Ramees, founder of Play AI.

Designed to inspire and cultivate the future of technology, the Dabl.Club Builder Brunch is more than just an event—it’s a gateway to the future of the tech industry in Dubai and beyond. Don’t miss your chance to be part of this innovative experience where the only agenda is progress. Join us to connect, create, and celebrate the spirit of development in the world of Web3.

DeTaSECURE is a cybersecurity company for emerging technologies. We help futuristic companies (WEB3, AI, SpaceTech, etc.) protect their data and secure their servers and other digital assets through our flagship product,

For more details and registration, make sure to visit the official Dabl.Club event page. See you on the other side of innovation!

One thought on

Events in Tech: The Dabl.Club Builder Brunch Experience in Dubai!

  • Vasilii Zakharov

    The Builder brunch experience in Dubai sounds like an incredible event at the intersection of technology and community building!Such events serve as invaluable platforms for networking, knowledge sharing and stimulating innovation in the technology industry.The opportunity to connect with like-minded people, hear from industry experts and explore new trends makes such gatherings a truly enriching experience.I am sure that the participants left themselves inspired and equipped with fresh ideas to move their projects forward.Here’s for more collaborative and effective events, future-shaping technologies!

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