How Dayra is revolutionizing financial services: How a fintech company is changing the landscape for both businesses and customers. A startup from the MENA region that was presented at the HUB71 Innovation Center in March 2023.

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Dayra has partnered with some of the world’s leading financial institutions and banks to provide their customers with the best possible experience. They have also developed a mobile app that provides users with an easy-to-use interface and allows them to manage their finances from anywhere in the world. Dayra is changing the way companies provide financial services to their employees and businesses without bank accounts. Use their API now to unlock financial services and make your business accessible to everyone.

Their plug and play solution gives you the flexibility and freedom to have your own user interface and user interaction, and ensures that your technical team can easily implement the solution.

Dayra has raised funding totaling $3 million in 3 rounds. The most recent funding was raised on November 21, 2021 in a Pre-Seed round. Dayra is funded by 6 investors: VentureSouq, Tanmiya Capital Ventures, EFG EV Fintech, First circle capital, Y Combinator and EFG Hermes are the latest investors. The company was founded by Omar Ekram on March 12, 2020 . The company is ranked 44.775 according to crunchbase. The startup was also presented at HUB71 in the UAE.


innovation center hub71

HUB71 is a global technology ecosystem designed to help startups in the UAE succeed. Based in Abu Dhabi, the initiative provides a range of services to help entrepreneurs launch and expand their businesses, including access to global markets, capital ecosystems, a global network of partners, and an active community of highly skilled professionals.

An innovation center is a physical space, typically located within a business or organization, that is dedicated to fostering creativity and innovation. It is designed to provide an environment that encourages collaboration, experimentation, and the development of new ideas. Innovation centers often feature open workspaces, meeting rooms, and other amenities that are conducive to creative thinking. They may also host events such as hackathons and workshops to further promote innovations.

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