BANTgo Acknowledges Emirates Global Aluminium (EGA) Ramp-Up Program’s Impact on impact2earn Initiative

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The BANTgo co-founder & COO Sergei Ivanov extends sincere appreciation to the impactful Emirates Global Aluminium (EGA) Ramp-Up training program, powered by C3 – Companies Creating Change. This program has played a pivotal role in driving forward BANTgo’s impact2earn initiative in Dubai and the UAE, making significant strides in advancing sustainability through technology.

C3, a UAE-based social enterprise dedicated to empowering entrepreneurs and fostering lasting impact, has been instrumental in supporting impact-driven startups that tackle pressing social and environmental challenges. Through curated learning journeys, C3 is empowering sustainability-focused startups like BANTgo to unlock unique opportunities and achieve remarkable growth.

BANTgo Acknowledges Emirates Global Aluminium (EGA) Ramp-Up Program's Impact on impact2earn Initiative

In alignment with EGA’s corporate social responsibility initiatives, the program focused on two main crucial areas: supporting entrepreneurship and education, as well as promoting aluminium recycling. By engaging with local communities such as Dubai and gathering valuable feedback, EGA ensures its efforts align with the needs of society, fostering positive change.

BANTgo co-founder & COO said, “BANTgo is proud to be a part of this successful collaboration between industry leaders and entrepreneurs, exemplified by the EGA Ramp-Up Program. The program’s dedication to empowering startup founders and fostering the next generation of impact-driven entrepreneurs aligns perfectly with BANTgo’s vision of driving sustainable change.”


BANTgo’s cutting-edge technology, powered by AI and Web3 platforms, revolutionizes recycling, making it an engaging, rewarding, and impactful habit. Through the platform, users effortlessly recycle waste, aided by the AI chatbot that identifies and categorizes materials, as well as directs users to the nearest e-waste collection point for recycling. By recycling, users earn valuable NFT rewards minted from the world’s first certified green blockchain, for which they can use and exchange within BANTgo’s marketplace for goods, services and carbon credits, thus creating a circular economy and encouraging responsible waste management.

Sergei goes on to say, “The EGA Ramp-Up Program’s focus on sustainability across various sectors is a significant step towards building a better future. The BANTgo Team is genuinely grateful for the program’s efforts in bringing this vision to life and driving impactful change in the region.”


BANTgo impact2earn is an AI Chatbot & Web3 recycling rewards platform around electronic waste. Our AI chatbot identifies and categorizes electronic waste, guiding users to nearby e-waste collection/drop-off points. By recycling through our platform, you earn digital NFT rewards minted from the world’s first certified green blockchain, which can be traded/exchanged on our NFT marketplace for discounts on a wide range of products and services as well as carbon credits.


For media inquiries and further information about BANTgo, please contact Co-Founder and CMO Joseph L. Patterson by [email protected]

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