UAE’s Dh10K Influencer Fine: Game-Changer for Social Media Marketing

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In a bold move to regulate the digital advertising landscape, the UAE is set to impose hefty fines on unlicensed social media influencers and advertising businesses. Starting July 1, 2024, those operating without proper licenses could face penalties of up to Dh10,000 and potential closure of their operations.

New Regulations Shake Up the Digital Marketing Scene

UAE's Dh10K Influencer Fine: Game-Changer for Social Media Marketing

The Abu Dhabi Department of Economic Development (ADDED) has announced strict measures to ensure compliance within the booming influencer marketing industry. This decision reflects the UAE’s commitment to maintaining transparency and protecting consumers in the digital age.

Key Points of the New Policy:

  1. Mandatory licensing for all social media influencers and advertising businesses
  2. Fines of up to Dh10,000 for non-compliance
  3. Potential closure of unlicensed operations
  4. Easy licensing process through the Tamm platform

How to Obtain a License

Aspiring influencers and advertising agencies can secure their licenses through a straightforward process:

  1. Visit the Tamm platform
  2. Access the ‘Department of Economic Development Services’ section
  3. Select relevant activities, such as “advertising services on e-platforms”
  4. Pay the required fee:
    • Individuals: Dh1,250
    • Companies: Dh5,000

Who Needs a License?

The new regulations cast a wide net, encompassing:

  • Social media influencers
  • Advertising agencies
  • Government-affiliated companies involved in digital advertising
  • Foreign nationals with Emirates ID or unified number

Even influencers with existing National Media Council permits must obtain this new license to continue operating legally.

Impact on the Industry

With 543 licensed entities currently active in Abu Dhabi’s digital advertising space, the industry is bracing for significant changes. Experts predict a surge in license applications as the deadline approaches.

Read more on CrunchDubai:

Ensuring Compliance and Fair Practices

This move by ADDED underscores the UAE’s dedication to fostering a fair and transparent digital marketplace. By implementing these regulations, the government aims to protect consumers and maintain high standards in the rapidly evolving world of influencer marketing.

As the July 1 deadline looms, social media personalities and advertising businesses in the UAE are urged to secure their licenses promptly to avoid hefty fines and potential business disruptions.

One thought on

UAE’s Dh10K Influencer Fine: Game-Changer for Social Media Marketing

  • Aleksei Dolgikh

    10000 AED is not those bad 🙂 For harassment in internet you may to pay 250000 AED PLUS, this is big number…

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