Unveiling Regolith’s Success: The Power of a Passionate Team

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Regolith is a platform specialising in Pre-IPO, venture, funds, and real estate investments. Known for its unique investment products, user-friendly interface and secure access to investing, Regolith stands out in the financial market. The driving force behind this success is a team passionate about the product they create and manage, led by the visionary CEO Denis Kerzhemankin.  Below, we delve into how our dedicated team, united by shared principles, forms the backbone of Regolith’s success.

CEO’s Vision and Principles

Denis Kerzhemankin, a seasoned entrepreneur and investor, believes that a team’s passion and dedication are critical to a company’s success.

Unveiling Regolith’s Success: The Power of a Passionate Team

His vision for Regolith revolves around key principles that every team member embodies. These principles are the foundation upon which Regolith operates and thrives:

  1. Passion for the Product: Every team member must believe in and love the product they are working on. This passion translates into a relentless drive to innovate and improve, ensuring that Regolith stays ahead in the competitive investment landscape.
  2. Commitment to Excellence: At Regolith, mediocrity is not an option. The team is committed to achieving the highest standards in every aspect, from customer service to product development.
  3. Innovative Thinking: Creativity and innovation are at the core of Regolith’s success. Team members are encouraged to think outside the box and explore new ideas, leading to unique investment products and solutions.
  4. Team Collaboration: Denis emphasises the importance of teamwork. He believes that a supportive and collaborative work environment fosters better decision-making and problem-solving, leading to more efficient outcomes.
  5. Customer Focus: The ultimate goal of Regolith is to meet and exceed customer expectations. The team prioritises understanding and addressing customer needs, ensuring satisfaction and loyalty.

Team Members and Their Insights

The strength of Regolith lies in its diverse and talented team. Here are insights from some key team members, highlighting their backgrounds, roles, and what drives them.

Denis Kerzhemankin, CEO, Co-founder:

  • With over 13 years of experience in building business systems across various sectors, Denis is a serial entrepreneur, investor, and athlete. He has created seven businesses from scratch.
  • Quote: “Our team’s passion and commitment are what set us apart. We believe in what we do, and it shows in our results.”

    Unveiling Regolith’s Success: The Power of a Passionate Team
    Denis Kerzhemankin (on the right) with Alexander Chikurov (In the middle)

    Alexander Chikurov, CBDO, Co-founder:

    • Alexander brings 12 years of experience in business and investments in real estate, cryptocurrency, and the stock market. He also has 17 years of experience in sales, dealing with European and Asian markets as well as the CIS market.
    • “The drive to innovate and excel is what makes our work at Regolith exciting and rewarding.”

    Anton Zinoviev, CVO, Co-founder:

    • Anton oversees the development of subsidiary projects like Regolith Village and Kaif. With 7 years of experience in hospitality and project organisation, and over 10 years in various entrepreneurial niches, he is a versatile leader.
    • “Seeing our projects come to life and succeed is incredibly fulfilling. Our team’s synergy makes it possible.”

    Egor Kerzhemankin, CTO, Co-founder:

    • Egor has over 13 years of experience in IT, including web design, prototyping, project management, and software testing. Before joining Regolith, he ran his own web studio.
    • “Our technical solutions are designed with the user in mind, ensuring security and simplicity in every investment.”

      Regolith’s Investment Opportunities

      Regolith offers a wide range of investment opportunities, each designed to cater to different investor needs and preferences:

      • Pre-IPO and Angel Round: These over-the-counter deals and venture investments provide opportunities to invest in companies at early stages before they go public, offering significant growth potential.
      • Commodity Fund: This involves trading in commodity groups, allowing participation in deals involving commodity assets.
      • IPO: Regolith enables participation in the initial public offering of shares, giving investors the chance to purchase shares at the start of their trading on the stock exchange.
      • Real Estate: Investments in real estate include construction projects in Thailand, UAE, and the USA, as well as real estate funds.

      Coming Soon:

      • Stock Market Fund: This will involve trading shares through funds that operate on both the rise and fall of stock prices (long/short fund).
      • Crypto Token: This will offer investments in digital currencies and related products through crypto assets and crypto funds.

      Write about Diverse Fund:

      Selection Criteria for Pre-IPO Investments

      Regolith uses a rigorous selection process for its Pre-IPO investments, ensuring only the most promising opportunities are chosen:

      Unveiling Regolith’s Success: The Power of a Passionate Team
      1. B-round Companies: Focus on companies at the B-round to reduce the time to IPO.
      2. Valuation Consistency: Avoid companies with a lower financing round valuation than the previous round.
      3. Capitalization Growth: Require a minimum growth rate of 0.8% per week.
      4. Venture Fund Backing: Prefer companies invested in by at least 10 venture funds, with at least two well-established and well-known ones.
      5. Market Leadership: Look for market leaders with large clients and verify the product’s functionality.
      6. Trending Sectors: Invest in sectors expected to become key trends, such as cryptocurrency, AI, energy, software, and automation.
      7. Broker Collaboration: Work with brokers to find and negotiate deals based on the selection criteria.

      Team Dynamics and Success Stories

      The collaborative dynamics within the Regolith team are a testament to their shared values and commitment to success. Team members work together closely, leveraging their diverse skills and experiences to develop innovative investment solutions. This synergy is evident in the company’s numerous success stories.

      Unveiling Regolith’s Success: The Power of a Passionate Team

      One such success story is the development of Regolith Village, a project led by Anton Zinoviev. This venture, which focuses on creating high-quality, community-centric real estate developments, has received widespread acclaim for its innovative approach and commitment to excellence. Anton attributes this success to the strong team collaboration and shared vision within Regolith.

      Read more about Regolith on CrunchDubai:

      Another milestone is the seamless integration of advanced IT solutions under the guidance of Egor Kerzhemankin. His leadership in developing user-friendly and secure investment platforms has significantly enhanced Regolith’s offerings, making it easier for customers to invest with confidence.


      In conclusion, Regolith’s success is deeply rooted in the passion, dedication, and collaborative spirit of its team. Guided by the leadership of Denis Kerzhemankin, the team operates on principles of passion for the product, commitment to excellence, innovative thinking, team collaboration, and customer focus. These shared values not only drive the company’s achievements but also ensure its continuous growth and innovation in the investment space. The stories and insights from team members highlight the unique blend of skills and dedication that make Regolith a leader in its field.

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